Following Duarte’s Strong Primary Win, FiveThirtyEight Moves CA-13 To "Toss Up"

Valley Voters Ready to ‘Send a Farmer to Congress’

Political modeling website FiveThirtyEight has released their National Congressional Forecast, naming California’s 13th District as a “Toss Up.”

FiveThirtyEight’s “Toss Up” designation follows the Cook Political Report naming the district a "Toss Up," showing that the momentum in the race is behind farmer and businessman John Duarte.

“No one outside our Valley gave us a chance,” said candidate John Duarte. “Our campaign is simple: It’s about representing the hardworking Valley families that have been forgotten. I’m running to give them a voice.”

Despite having a Democrat registration advantage in the double digits, farmer and businessman John Duarte finished first capturing over 34% of the vote. This unexpected victory has sent shockwaves throughout the country. 

“Duarte’s statement primary victory indicates his “Valley First” campaign message is resonating with voters,” said Duane Dichiara, Duarte’s Campaign Consultant. “Hardworking families of this district want someone who will fight for them in Congress, not a bought-and-paid-for career politician.”

CONTACT: Duane Dichiara
(916) 997-4784



ICYMI: John Duarte For Congress Receives National Attention as More Outlets Move Race to “Toss Up!”


Following Duarte’s Strong Primary Win, CA-13 Moved to “Toss-Up” by Cook Political Report​